It's a sunny Monday and I haven't been blogging much.
January 2013 is coming to an end real soon and it marks
that February will be here soon.
I've done with all the Valentine's Bit Bit Bunnies.
And I'm currently rushing some local custom orders
which I am very satisfied with the outcome.
First, let me start with this cute piggy couple pair.
They aren't custom order but I thought I would make it
to spare to those who are still looking for v-day gifts.
They are still available though.
Please kindly email at
to purchase :))
They are palm sized and they are in cutest pink :)
Next is this cute lil starry blue elephant.
It is designed by my customer for v-day gift.
Isn't he sweet? :) awww
And this pair is specially custom made for Chinese New Year (CNY)
This is version 1.0 and I personally like the one with the snake
on its head very much. I'm born in the year of snake, so I guess
that explains all. LOL. You may guess my age, but please keep it
to yourself :P
This is yet another version of CNY Bit Bit Bunnies.
Some adore this version 2.0
How about you? Vr 1.0 or 2.0? :)
It is simple yet resembles some CNY elements with it.
It took me sometime to stitch up the "副" means blessed in mandarin
as I wasn't chinese educated. I am able to speak though :D
Here are some polaroid photos I took with my
instax camera. At least I can still look at them
and feel contented to know that it was my own
creations and they are all well with their new owners <3 nbsp="">
Let me end with this picture, which is all my creations. :)
The feeling is great to see such an amount of amigurumis
that I've made so far.
It is easy to learn the art of amigurumi, but it takes time
and patience to achieve such a beautiful creation.
Some may think I might have over-priced my products, but please
kindly reconsider the efforts and designs I have put in
these products, its ain't like others you can find in retails.
They are purely 100% handmade by me myself.
I've been doing this for almost 1 year + now
not included the felt material products that I've made
for almost 2 years.
I designed and made them alone. I am also the photographer
of my products. I list them up on Etsy and promoted
without help from others.
This is my passion, even my fingers and hands feel sore,
I think it worth it all as I know there will always be
somebody who appreciates the art and handmade that I did.
to those who supported and love my creations :)
The same goes to all crafters and artist in the world.
Please appreciate arts and crafts.
100% hand crafted , 0% machines.